Princess Polly
8.5% Cashback
Ends 04 Feb • 12:59pm
Standard Cashback
When will I get my Cashback?
Tracked in
2 days
100 days
Check exclusions and T&Cs
Deals & Discounts
What you need to know
Cashback exclusions
These items are not eligible for Cashback:
- E-Gift Card
We calculate Cashback based on the purchase price, excluding:
- Taxes
- Shipping and delivery fees
- Any amounts paid using store credit redemption
- Credit card charges
This Cashback deal is not valid together with:
- Any Gift Card, Voucher or store credit purchase
- Any Gift Card or Voucher redemption
- Other store deals unless otherwise stated
- Other loyalty programmes unless otherwise stated
- Vouchers or Promo codes not featured on ShopBack
Any exceptions will be at the store's discretion.
Special notes from store
- Cashback is not applicable for purchases made via the Princess Polly app.