

Use by 31 Jan 2026.

Village Cinemas is the ultimate experience to see the best movies. Catch the biggest releases right across Australia.

Refer to villagecinemas.com.au for movie choices and locations.

Terms and conditions

  • This voucher is valid for one movie session admission.
  • Booking fees may apply.
  • Voucher can be redeemed online at villagecinemas.com.au, eventcinemas.com.au or at the ticket box for movie sessions at participating cinema locations.
  • Vouchers cannot be redeemed until 24 hours after purchase.
  • Seating is subject to availability.
  • Please redeem this voucher for a seat to your selected movie session.
  • Not valid for Gold Class, group bookings, special events, movie marathons or in conjunction with any other offer or promotion unless otherwise stated.
  • A surcharge applies for 3D, 4DX, Vmax, Vpremium, Vjunior and Dolby Atmos sessions.
  • It is the responsibility of the holder to redeem vouchers for a movie session scheduled on or before they expire.
  • Vouchers are not refundable, not transferable and cannot be sold or exchanged for cash or other gift products.
  • Lost or expired vouchers will not be extended, replaced or exchanged for cash.

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How to redeem

In person redemption

  • No booking required
  • Present barcode Village Cinemas PDF at the box office for scanning

Book Online

1. After you have received your voucher code and 4 digit PIN number, go to: villagecinemas.com.au
2. Select cinema location, movie and session time
3. Select ‘I have a Voucher / Code’ and enter the voucher number and PIN individually for as many tickets as you want to book and then proceed
4. Select seats
5. A booking fee per ticket applies to all online bookings
6. Proceed to payment and confirmation screen

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Adult Unrestricted eVoucher Village Cinemas

Village Cinemas



1% Cashback

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